HCI refers to the way how humans interact with computer systems. It is the User Interface that hides all complexities and processes in the computer and back-end system programmings and give user an easy way to interact with computers. HCI is most of the time graphical but there are command prompt HCI as well such as in Linux and DOS systems. But we are here talking about graphical user interfaces.
Guidelines to consider when designing a human computer interface (HCI)
Guidelines to consider when designing a human computer interface (HCI)
- End User - Always give prominent to the end user (user experience, education, knowledge, taste). Because the end user will be the final human who will use the system for a long time daily.
- Environment - this refers to many things from operating system to physical environment. You need to consider what kind of environment the end user will be working on with the system. It could be either office environment or factory environment and user could be using a keyboard or touch screens. User could be working standing or sitting.
- Standards and Practices - Always follow industry standards and common practices. Some times even there are no standards for some designs but always there will be common practices. Learn and follow them,
- Graphics and Colors - use adequate amount of graphics and colors only. Consistance throughout the system should be maintained.
- Navigation - always use easy to use and understand navigation system. Use common everyday wordings rather than technical wordings.
- Help - always include a help facility
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
GUI is a type of HCI that uses windows, icons, menus and pointers (WIMP) and desktop area to organize and manage works in a more realistic environment. Main advantages of GUI are;