Monday, October 24, 2011

What is an information system?

An information system is a systematic arrangement of people, processes, data and interfaces that are integrated for the purpose of supporting an organization's day to day activities as well as supporting the purpose of decision making and problem solving for managers.

Now you need to understand this concept by your own words. If you can define the above definition in your own way then only you can satisfy yourself that you really know that is an information system.

An information system is basically made of people, processes, data, and interfaces. Geography also can be consider as one component. Let me explain these one by one;

Peoples are the users of an information system. Why an information system need to people? For employees, to perform their day to day activities such as input customer or sales data, print receipts, etc. For managers and other above levels, to make decisions, planing, or solve a problem. They need reports (processed data). Interfaces are required to enter data and generate reports. Geography can be consider as a system need to interact with peoples in different locations. So, processes are required to do all these things in a systematic way.

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