1. Problem Situation:
This is the situation before starting the studying the problem. At this stage the analyst will become a part of the problem to enable observation the system fully. In this stage analyst try to understand the key players in the organization / situation and how the current process works?
2. The problem situation expressed
In this situation the analyst express the problem situation / processes using rich pictures and any type of diagrams. There are know standard format for the diagrams, but it should be easy to understand the situation and explain it using diagrams. Generally data flow diagrams or object models are not sufficient to express the problems in soft system methodology.
3. Root Definitions
Roof definitions are different perspectives each participant / stakeholder look in to the problem situation. Each individual will have different views about the processes and problem situation. In this stage the analyst want to understand what is each stakeholders underlying belief about its purpose - basically asking "What" type of questions.
4. Conceptual Model
In conceptual model is to understand and provide conceptual answer to each root definition. Here describes "How to" type of descriptions for each root definition question. If one stakeholder has a particular perspective, then there must be a set of activities to be performed to meet the given perspective.
5. Comparison of conceptual model (step 4) with real world problem (step 2)
This is to compare the real world problem and conceptual model to identify similarities and differences. There are no standard way to do this comparison, and that is up to the analyst to decide based on his experience.
6. Identify feasible and desirable changes
In this stage, analyst identify and describe possible solutions for the problem situation. These can be organizational as well as environmental changes.
7. Recommendations
Provide recommendation on how to apply give solutions and improve the problem situation thereby. In this stage evaluating organizational capabilities and design ways to apply changes in the current system.
SSM (Soft System Methodology) is rather casual than formal. There are no hard rules to follow but the basic output is to eventually identify soft problems in to root causes then design solutions in formal methodologies.
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