Monday, October 10, 2016

Social Considerations

This is the final lecture note in Information Systems (IS) subject in the BCS Examinations lecture series. I will be creating a whole new lecture series with videos, discussions, more explanations, real world examples and more opportunities to interact with each other. However these lectures are sufficient for students sit for British Computer Society's professional qualifications exams.


Dependencies caused by computerization

Modern computers often tend to dc tasks faster, more accurately than their human counterparts. In addition a single machine could often deal with the tasks which would nave otherwise required several human workers. Not to mention the tasks which would not have been possible to carry out without the use of computers. This amazing machine (the computer) although bringing in all these benefits' has implied that cost saving entrepreneurs choose them over human workers. Thus resulting in reduced job opportunities and sometimes loss of jobs for existing employees as well.

Changing work patterns
Several new forms rrf work patterns have emerged during the recent years. Some of these include

Home based work
This is where an individual performs his job function using his PC without even leaving his own home. Such work patterns are usually associated with individuals such as freelance programmers and specialists. The work is done at the users convenience and then submitted to the office through a VPN or through e-mail. The main advantage is that the such jobs are convenient to the individual while at the same time results in cost savings to the organization since there are no transport costs or costs associated with maintaining office space. A slight disadvantage of the system however is that it requires supervision to avoid loss of control.

Flexible work patterns
This is a modern work practice which enables staff to work at their own convenience (ie : to enter and leave the office at their desire). However they must ensure that the work assigned to them is carried out or an adequate amount of hours are worked"

Shift work
This is where several individuals share one job function where each one takes a particular turn at performing it. This type of work practice is common in offices where long hours of work is required such as 24 hour call centers where it would be impossible for a single individual to work such long hours.

Team work
This is where several individuals work together combining strengths and forming synergy to perform a specif job function

Motivation is defined as the compulsion or inner influence which causes individuals to perform better than they normally would. Motivation is a key function of almost any modern business organization. It helps keep employees in high spirits and thus leads to increased productivity and efficiency automatically.

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