Thursday, September 1, 2016

Management and Organization

Although management is recognized as a vital activity in virtually all organizations, it is in fact very difficult to obtain agreement about the precise definition of what management is. At the most basic level, it is sometimes referred to as the art of getting things done through other people. This emphasis the fact, that managers achieve results by getting others to perform certain tasks.


"Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently act selected aims"


  • Management applies to any kind of organization
  • Management can take place at variety of organizational levels.
  • The aim of all managers is the same: to create surplus
  • Managing is concerned with productivity

Functions of Management

A manager performs 5 functions in an organization. They are;

  • Planning
  • Controlling
  • Organizing
  • Coordinating
  • Commanding

Planning: All managers constantly plan for the future planning will generally include the following steps or stages.

  • Setting objectives
  • Developing alternatives to achieve objectives
  • Evaluating the alternatives
  • Selecting the best alternative
  • lmplementing
  • Review of success

Controlling: The function of monitoring the actual event and if there are any changes from the plans, taking action to correct them.

Organizing: Dividing the work among different individuals providing the relevant resources and seeing to that the different individuals are working towards the designated tasks.

Coordinating: There may be a large number of organizations performing variety of activities if the organization is to be successful, they have to work together and there should be coordination.

Commanding: According to Fayol (Fayol is an author) a manager issues commands which are followed by others. This term commanding through suitable in Fayol's times may not be applicable to the modern work force. A modern manager should be regarded as playing the following roles instead of commanding.

  • Leading Communicating
  • Motivating ' Decision Making

Information Systems Related Roles and Positions

IT Director/Chief information officer (CIO)
As a member of the board of directors, the IT director is responsible for all IS/IT activities within an organization. The role of the CIC is almost identical to that of the lT director. However he/she is also responsible for servicing the information requirement of the board of directors as well as controlling information flows and ensuring that adequate information is available across the organization.

IT Manager
The individual who is responsible for all aspects of information technology and related services within an organization. His/her functions include; formulation of long term IS strategies, appraisal of systems, communicating with the board, ensuring timely update of organizational computer systems, IT staff recruitment, etc.

Database Administrator (DBA)
The individual responsible for managing an organizations database systems. His/her functions include; setting up database systems, monitoring database operations, periodic backup taking, database maintenance activities, maintenance of the data dictionary, etc.

Systems Analyst
Is responsible for studying the existing system within an organization by means such as observation, interviews, etc. He / she is also responsible for documenting and making recommendations to systems designers.

Systems Designer
Is the individual who obtains the analysis report from the systems analyst and then uses this recommendation to construct a design for a new system. The functions performed by the systems designer include : Design of information flows, process planning, design of file structures, screen design, etc.

Application Programmer
Is the individual who is responsible for converting paper designs of the new system into a set of working applications. His/her role is often termed as the individual who is responsible for converting ideas into reality in a software systems context. The tasks performed include coding, screen design and testing.

Web Designer
A relatively new role to emerge in the IT industry. a web designer is usually referred to in context of small firms. He 1 she is usually responsible for or involved in analyzing, designing, developing and implementing a web based solution such as a web site for a client. Creativity and skill are of the essence for such individuals.

Maintenance Staff
These are the individuals who are responsible,for carrying out hardware and software maintenance activities with respect to information systems within an organization. Their main tasks include : upgrading hardware devices, upgrading software applications, troubleshooting, repairing damaged machines, dealing with viruses and other similar security breaches.

Data Entry Operator
Traditionally a data entry operator was considered to be an individual who read through hard copies of data and then keyed in (typed) the data as input to computers for later processing. The role at present is taken to be one, which is involved with performing repetitive tasks such as the work done by cashiers at supermarket terminals.

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